Jairo Roldán Charria

Dr. Jairo Roldán
Grado académico
  • Docteur de L'Université de Paris 1 (Pantheon-Sorbonne)
  • D.E.A. History and Philosophy of Sciences.
  • M.A. Physics - M.Sc. Physics - B.Sc. Physics.


  • University of Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), Paris, France.1985-1991. Degree earned: DOCTEUR DE L'UNIVERSITE DE PARIS 1 (PANTHEON-SORBONNE.)
  • Graduated  Summa cum laude  (Highest distinction: TRES HONORABLE).
  • Thesis Advisor: Bernard d'Espagnat.
  • University of Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne), Paris, France.1984-1985. Degree earned: D.E.A. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCES.
  • State University of New York, New York, USA 1973-1976. Degree earned: M.A. Physics. 
  • University of Valle, Cali, Colombia. 1970-1972. Degree earned: M.Sc. Physics.
  • University of Valle, Cali, Colombia. 1966-1970. Degree earned:  B.Sc. Physics.



University of Valle, Cali, Colombia. Department of Physics.

  • Instructor: 1971-1972
  • Assistant Professor: 1972-1981
  • Associated Professor: 1981-1987
  • Full Tenure Professor: 1987
  • Head of the Theoretical Physics Section: 1981-1984, 1987-1991, 1995-1998
  • Director of the Graduate School of Physics: 1993-1994
  • Editor of the Journal Revista de Ciencias: 1989-1994 
  • Member of Universidad del Valle’s Editorial Committe: 2004-2009
  • Editor of  the Journal  Ambiente y Sostenibilidad:  2012 on. 


Fundaec (Foundation for the Application and Teaching of the Sciences) Cali, Colombia.

  • Professor and Researcher:  1978-1980 (mid-time)
  • Researcher: 1985-1997:  (several projects)



Undergraduate courses

  • Introductory courses of physics for science and engineering students.
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Quantum Mechanics
  • Electrodynamics
  • Statistical Mechanics
  • Mathematical methods for Physics.
  • Relativity
  • Complexity
  • Ethics for scientist
  • Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
  • Galileo, Kepler, Newton
  • Evolution of the concepts in Physics


Graduate courses

  • Advanced Quantum Mechanics
  • Advanced Statistical Mechanics
  • Classical Electrodynamics
  • General Theory of Systems
  • Economy, Entropy, Development and Environment
  • Interdisciplinary Seminar



2012-on:  University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research Project: “Complementarity between Dynamics and Thermodynamics”

2012-on:  University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research Project: “The Entropic value of a Commodity”.

2011 on: University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research Project: “Complementarity as a General Framework.”

2008-on.  University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research Project: “Complementarity between the Moral and the Scientific Order”.

2003-2006. University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group and Institute of Pedagogy, University of Valle. Research Project: “The History of Science in the University Texts”.

2001- 2003. University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Group of Didactics and Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research Project:  “The improving of thought abilities”

1997-2004: University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group and Department of Philosophy. Research project:   “The invariance of ordinary  language in the bohrian interpretation of quantum mechanics”

1997-1999: University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research project:  “Complementarity and Complexity: conceptual frameworks for Science in the XXI century”.

1993-1996: University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Quantum Gravity Group and Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research project: “Effective Potential in Quantum Theory”.

1993- 2001:  University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Conceptual Foundations of Physics Group. Research project:  “The Complementary Character of Reality.”

1984-1991:  University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne, U.E.R. of Philosophy, Paris, France. (From 1984 to 1987) and University of Valle, Physics  Department,   Cali,   Colombia.  (From 1987 to 1991)  D.E.A. dissertation.  Doctoral Thesis.

1980-1984:     University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia.  Fields and Particles Group.  Research project: “Some research problems in Gauge Fields Theories”.

1978-1980:     Fundaec, Cali, Colombia. Research project: “New educational methods and developing of  teaching  materials for the Rural University of Fundaec”.

1975-1976:   S.U.N.Y.at Stony Brook, Physics Department, U.S.A. Research project:  “Space-time   singularities and the Hawking-Penrose Theorems”.

1970-1972:     University of Valle, Physics Department, Cali, Colombia. Theoretical Solid State Physics Group. Research project: “An study of the electron-phonon interaction in crystals in strong electric fields”. Master of Science Thesis.



  • 1997  Distinguished Professor, Universidad del Valle
  • 1991  Doctoral Thesis with the Higuest Distintion: Très honorable Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne.)
  • 1985  Memoire de DEA. Distintion: bien. Université de Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne.)
  • 1970  Rockefeller Foundation’s scholarship. .



“Nuevas perspectivas en la Teoría Administrativa y Organizacional”, Universidad EAFIT, Facultad de Administración, Medellín, Colombia, Feb. 2001, with Yoav Ben-Dov, Cohn Institute, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel and Karem Sánchez, Facultad de Administración, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

“Complejidad y Organizaciones”, Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Administración, Cali, Colombia, Feb. 2000, y Sep. 2002 with Yoav Ben-Dov, Cohn Institute, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel and Karem Sánchez, Facultad de Administración, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

“Ciencia y Religión en los contextos de la Física Clásica y Contemporánea”, 20, 21 y 22 de Octubre de 1997, Cali, Colombia. Universidad del Valle, Departamentos de Física y de Filosofía. (Ciclo de Conferencias) with Yoav Ben-Dov and Germán Guerrero "

“Complementaridad: Física, Ciencia y Conocimiento” Universidad del Valle, Sep. 23-27, 1996, with Yoav Ben-Dov, Cohn Institute, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel and Germán Guerrero, Philosophy Department, Universidad del Valle.

“Ciencia, Religión y Desarrollo” Programa Maestría Latinoamericana en Desarrollo Social, PRODES, FUNDAEC, Colombia, Universidad Bolivariana, Chile, Universidad Nur, Bolivia, This course was taught in Colombia, Costa Rica, Brasil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Mexico  and Bolivia from 1994 till 1997.



One Doctoral Thesis in Physics. Four Masters Degree Thesis in Physics finished. Two Masters Degree Thesis in Science Education  finished.



Colloquium: Interdisciplinarity and Environment. June 19-20, 2012. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

International Conference: European Conference on Justice 2009. Dec 4-6, 2009. De Poort Conference Centre, Groesbeek, The Netherlands.

International Conference: Transdisciplinarity and the Unity of Knowledge. June 2-6, 2007,  Philadelphia, PA, USA, a program of the Metanexus Institute.

International Conference: Continuity  and Change: Perspectives on Science and Religion. June 3-7, 2006, Philadelphia, PA, USA, a program of the Metanexus Institute.

International Symposium: “Einstein, scientist, philosopher and humanist”. Cali, November 28 to December 2 2005, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

The centenary of the birth of the Quantum Conference”. Cali, Colombia, December 14, 15 2000.

International Conference “Information, Education and Health in the Society of Knowledge”,   

National Academy of Medicine of Colombia, FEPAFEM, COLCIENCIAS, Bogotá, Colombia, July 22 –24, 1999.

Symposium on the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 1998.

XVII Colombian Congress of Physics. Medellin, Colombia,   1997.

XVI Colombian Congress of Physics. Cali, Colombia,   1995.

IV Latin-American  Congress on History of Sciences and Technology. Cali, Colombia, 1995.

XV Colombian  Congress of Physics. Armenia, Colombia,   1993.

VIII National School on Theoretical Physics. Cali, Colombia, 1992.

Erwing  Schrodinger: Philosophy and Birth of Quantum Mechanics. Seminar organized by

the Association  Henry Poincare of France. Paris, France. June 1992.

XIV Colombian  Congress of Physics. Barranquilla, Colombia,   1991.

Meeting on Complementarity. College de France, Paris, France,   1985.

International  Conference on Epistemology. Bogota, Colombia,   1984.

Second National School on Theoretical Physics. Pereira, Colombia, 1982.

Latin American School of Physics ELAF/81. Cali, Colombia, 1981.

First  Seminar in Solid State Physics, Bucaramanga. Colombia, 1972.

Latin  American School of Physics ELAF/71. Mexico City, Mexico, 1971.



Roldán-Charria, J. "Language, Quantum Mechanics and Reality" (In French) Doctoral Thesis, University of Paris I-Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, 1991.

Roldán-Charria, J.  "An overview of  Niels Bohr's Thought"  (In  French) D.E.A Dissertation, University of Paris I-Pantheon- Sorbonne,  Paris, France, 1985.

Roldán-Charria, J. "An study of the electron-phonon interaction in  crystals in strong electric fields" (In Spanish) Master of  Science Thesis, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1972.




• Duhart, D.; Mirkovich-Kohm, H.; Roldán-Charria, JDonde brilla la luz. La Fe Bahá’i en Latinoamérica.Editorial NuraniLtda, 2011, Cali, Colombia. ISBN 978-958-8057-98-9

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Ben-Dov, Y.; Guerrero G. La Complementariedad: una Filosofía para el Siglo XXI, Programa Editorial, Universidad del Valle, Colección Ciencias Físicas, Exactas y Naturales,  Febrero 2004, Cali, Colombia. ISBN 958-670-282-0



• Roldán-Charria, J. “On economy, entropy and local climate change” in Local Climate Change and Society, Edited by M.A. Mohamed  Salih, Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research, Routledge, London, New York. Pag.184-200. ISBN 13: 978-0-415-52037-9 (hbk). ISBN 13: 978-0-203-10971-7 (ebk) Release Date: 19 August 2012.

•  Roldán-Charria J., “Complementarity, Knowledge and Reality”, Prepared for “Transdisciplinarity and the Unity of Knowledge” June 2-June 6, 2007, in Philadelphia, PA, USA, a program of the Metanexus Institute.


•  Roldán-Charria J., “Complementarity between science and religion”, Prepared for “Continuity + Change: Perspectives on Science and Religion” June 3-7, 2006, in Philadelphia, PA, USA, a program of the Metanexus Institute. (www.metanexus.net/conference2006/papers.asp)

• Roldán-Charria J. “Einstein y Bohr: Un diálogo socrático entre mecanicismo y complementariedad” en Memorias Simposio internacional: Einstein, científico, filósofo y humanista. Cali, Noviembre 28 a diciembre 2 de 2005. Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.  ISBN: 958-670470-X

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Roldán, Jairo, “Einstein: determinismo o libre albedrío. Reflexiones en torno a la Ética” (Einstein: Determinism or free will. Reflections about Ethics.) El hombre y la máquina, No 25, Julio-Diciembre 2005.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Fractales y el reduccionismo mecanicista”.El Hombre y la Máquina, Año XVI, No 22, Enero-Junio 2004, Cali, Colombia.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Los estudios de lo complejo y las ciencias de la vida", Medicina, Vol. 22, No. 1 (52) Abril-2000, 2-7.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Realidades que se bifurcan: a propósito de Borges", en La Filosofía en la Ciudad, Edit. W. González y L. H. Hernández, Universidad del Valle y Dirección de Cultura de la Alcaldía de Cali, Marzo del 2000. pag. 143-164. ISBN 958-670-159-X

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Complementaridad entre Ciencia y Religión", en Principios para una educación del siglo XXI, Arsenio Arbeláez, compilador, Correlaciones, Fundaec, Enero del 2000, Cali. Pag. 81-109. ISBN 958-8057-62-0

• Gonzalez, E.; Roldán-Charria, J.  “Ventajas y limitaciones de la aplicación de la interpretación causal de la mecánica cuántica al problema del tiempo de tunelamiento”. Revista Colombiana de Física, Vol. 30, Number 2 (1998) 415-418.

•  Roldán-Charria, J. “Tlön y Bohrión: La metafísica de dos mundos” (In Spanish). Metáfora, Año 5, Edición 9. (Mayo de 1996) 74-82.  

• Simar, A.; Roldán-Charria, J. "Science and the capacity of interaction with our environment" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 299-302.

• Simar, A.; Roldán-Charria, J. "Does the duplicity of the subject as observer conspires against the rational access to an Independent Reality?" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 315-318

• Díaz, O.; Roldán-Charria, J.  "The constructivism and the representation" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 63-66.

•  Díaz, O.; Roldán-Charria, J. "The representational polyformism of physics: an approach to the teaching of mechanics" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 47-50.

• Uribe, C.; Roldán-Charria, J.; Combariza, E. "The role of history in the teaching of physics" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 307-310.

• Uribe, C.; Roldán-Charria, J. "The conception of indivisibility in Popper and Bohr" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 332-334.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; González, E.E. "The quantum Potential: a basis for an alternative interpretation of quantum Mechanics" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 219-222.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Ramirez, D. "The inherent irreversibility of every physical measurement" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 223-226.

• Roldán, J.; Ramirez, D. "Is thermodynamics a subtheory of statistical physics?" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 255-258.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Ramirez, D. "The approaches of Bohr and Popper to the problem of statistical mechanics" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27, (1995) 231-234.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Murillo, J.E. "On the space-time singularities and the physical implications of its existence" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 227-230.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Murillo, J.E. "Is it necessary a quantum theory of Gravity?" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics 27 (1995) 207-210.

• Pedraza L. G.; Roldán-Charria, J. "Heisenber's analysis of the measurement of the free electromagnetic quantum Field and the critical remarks made by Bohr and Rosenfeld" (In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics, 27 (1995) 291-294.

• Roldán, J.; Pedraza L. G. "Landau and Peierls's analysis of the measurement of the free electromagnetic quantum Field and the critical remarks made by Bohr and Rosenfeld on the base of the indivisibility of the quantum phenomena, "(In Spanish). Colombian Journal of Physics, 27 (1995) 263-266.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "The quantum world and our vision of reality" (In Spanish). En: Panorama de la Física contemporanea. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, June, 1995.

• Granda, N.; Roldán-Charria, J. "Curvature induced phase transition in the Gross-Neveu model on M4 x Sd." Class. Quantum Grav. 12 (1995) 1127-1133.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Energy and the immateriality of matter" (In Spanish). Energía y Computación. Revista científica y tecnológica del Departamento de Electricidad de la Universidad del Valle. Vol. III, No. 2- Segundo semestre de 1994-Edición No. 8.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Tagore, Einstein and Bohr" (In Spanish). El hombre y la  máquina. Revista de la División de Ingenierías, Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Occidente. March 1994.

• Zuñiga, O., Roldán-Charria, J. "Theoretical  models of geoelectric prospect"  (In Spanish) Annals of the XV Colombian    Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J., Ramirez, D. "Critical  remarks on the heuristic related to the Hawking radiation"  (In Spanish) Annals of the XV Colombian Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J., Bejarano, L. F. "The spin and the magnetic moment of the free electron as 'internal' quantities of the quantum phenomenon" (In Spanish) Annals of the XV Colombian    Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. , Pedraza L. G. "Quantum electrodynamics and the indivisibility of the quantum phenomena" (In Spanish) Annals of the XV Colombian  Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Thermodynamical Indivisibility" (In Spanish) Annals of the XV Colombian    Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Colombia, 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Implicit fundamental physical assumptions in the definition of the quantum electromagnetic field” (In Spanish) Annals of the VIII ENAFIT.  Cali, June 1992. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1992.

• Roldán-Charria, J.  "Does the path integral formulation constitute a new ambiguity free interpretation of quantum mechanics? (In Spanish) Annals of the VIII ENAFIT.  Cali, June 1992. Publishing Center. Faculty of Sciences,  University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1992.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Relations  of  Complementarity in Quantum   Electrodynamics" (In Spanish) Annals of the XIV Colombian    Congress of Physics, Barranquilla, Colombia, Sep. 1991. Publishing Center, University of Quindio, Armenia, Colombia.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Non-Separability. Is Physical Reality immersed in Space-time?" (In Spanish) Revista de Ciencias 4, March 1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "The Complementary Mode of Description". (In  Spanish)  Revista de Ciencias 1, Sep. 1989.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Bohr's conception of Physical Reality" (In Spanish) Annals of the Schrodinger Centenary Seminar, Bogota, Colombia, Oct. 1987. Colombian Academy of Natural and Physical Exact Sciences. Enrique Perez Arbelaez Collection No. 1, Bogota, Colombia, p. 198-221.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "The optical correction to the Electron-phonon Interaction and Current in strong Electric Fields".  Revista  Colombiana de Fisica, Vol. 17 No. 2-3, p. 115, 1985.

• Millan, J.; Rodriguez, C., Roldán-Charria, J.; "Graduated Lie Algebras and Symplectic Manifolds" (In Spanish) (Second  School on Theoretical Physics, Pereira, Colombia, 1982) in  Physical and Mathematical Aspects in Gauge Field Theories and  Supersymmetry. Publishing Center, Faculty of Sciences,  University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1984.

• Millan, J.; Rodriguez, C.; Roldán-Charria, J.; "Aspects on Quantum Gravity" (In Spanish) (Second School on Theoretical Physics,  Pereira, Colombia, 1982) in Physical and Mathematical Aspects     in Gauge Fields Theories and Supersymmetry. Publishing   Center, Faculty of Sciences, University of Valle, Cali,  Colombia, 1984.

• Millan, J.; Rodriguez, C.; Roldán-Charria,  J.;  "Unitarity,  Renormalization and Gauge Symmetry in the Electro-Weak   Interaction" (In Spanish) (Second School on Theoretical  Physics, Pereira, Colombia, 1982.) in Physical and   Mathematical Aspects in Gauge Fields Theories and  Supersymmetry.  Publishing Center, Faculty of Science, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, 1984.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Some philosophical implication of Modern Physics"  (In Spanish) in Problems of Contemporary Science, Publishing  Center, Faculty of Science, University of Valle, Cali,     Colombia, 1984.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Two Theoretical Framework for testing Relativistic Gravity" S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook, Jan. 1974.  Accepted for publication in Revista Colombiana de Fisica.  Vol. 15, No.2, 1981.

• Kummel, R; Roldán-Charria, J. "Electron-phonon Interaction and Current in strong Electric Fields". Z. Physik 259 411-420, 1973.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Electron-phonon interaction in strong electric fields" (In Spanish) Annals of the First Seminar in  Solid  State Physics, Bucaramanga, July 1972. p.315.



• Gonzalez, E.; Roldán-Charria, J.  “Formulación de Wigner en el espacio de fase y su relación con la teoría cuántica de trayectorias de Bohm”. Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Pedraza, L.G.; Roldán-Charria, J. “Experimento de pensamiento para determinar la composición fotónica del campo electromagnético cuántico”. Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Guerrero, G. “El papel del lenguaje clásico en la teoría de la medida de Bohr”  Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Guerrero, G. “El papel de la mente en diferentes teorías de la medida”. Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Guerrero, G.; Roldán-Charria, J. “¿Se reduce la mecánica newtoniana a la dinámica relativista?”. Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Guerrero, G.; Roldán-Charria, J.  “La interpretación bohriana de la mecánica cuántica y el operacionalismo”. Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Guerrero, G.; Roldán-Charria, J. “¿Existe un apriorismo kantiano en las tesis linguísticas de Bohr?” Presented at the XVII  Colombian Congress of Physics, Medellin, Colombia, 23 al 27 de Junio de 1997.

• Uribe, C. ; Roldán-Charria, J. "The importance of the study of the epistemological debates in the history of physics for the formation of a physicist" (In Spanish)  Presented at the IV Latin-American Congress on History of Science and Technologies, Cali, Colombia, 1995.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "A bohrian empirical reality" (In Spanish). Presented at the IV Latin-American Congress on History of Science and Technologies, Cali, Colombia, 1995.

• Granda, N.; Roldán-Charria, J. "The effective potential on an external gravitational field in the Gross-Neveu model " (In Spanish)  Presented at the IX ENAFIT:  Colombian school of theoretical physics, Medellin, Colombia, Nov. 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Valderrama, J.; Prieto, H. "The equivalence of mass and energy and quantum field theory" (In Spanish)  Presented at the XV    Colombian Congress of Physics, Armenia, Colombia, Sep. 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Combariza, E.: "On  Indeterminism in Quantum and  Statistical Mechanics" (In Spanish) Presented at the XIV    Colombian Congress of Physics, Barranquilla, Colombia, Sep. 1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Murillo, J.E.; "Does the  Orthodox Interpretation   of Quantum Mechanics imply that a Quantum Theory of     Gravitation is unnecessary?" (In Spanish) Presented at the XIV     Colombian Congress of Physics, Barranquilla, Colombia, Sep.  1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Bejarano, L. F.; "Complementarity  and the   interpretation of the Spin and the  Magnetic Moment of the  Free Electron" (In Spanish). Presented at the XIV Colombian  Congress of Physics, Barranquilla, Colombia, Sep. 1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J. "Submiting Philosophy to the Experimental Test". (In Spanish) Presented at the XIV Colombian  Congress of Physics,  Barranquilla, Colombia, Sep. 1991.



•  Roldán-Charria J. “Indivisibility and Complementarity in Quantum Physics”. Prepared for Guest Colloquium,September 6 2012. Instituut voor Geschiedenis en Grondslagen van de Natuurwetenschappen. Institute for History and Foundations of Science, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands.

• Roldán-Charria J. “Complementariedad e Interdisciplinariedad”. Prepared for Colloquium: Interdisciplinarity and Environment. June 19-20, 2012. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

•  Roldán-Charria J., “Ethical Values & Scientific Discourse ”, Prepared for European Conference on Justice 2009.  Dec 4-Dec 6, 2009, in De Poort Conference Centre, Groesbeek, The Netherlands.

• Roldán-Charria J., “Complementarity, Knowledge and Reality”, Prepared for European Conference on Justice 2009 . Dec 4-Dec 6, 2009, in De Poort Conference Centre, Groesbeek, The Netherlands.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Ciencia y Religión: ¿Dos mundos complementarios?” Prepared for Neurocience, Philosophy and Religion from the perspective of Physics Conference, Fundación Filosofía y Ciudad, May 29, 2001.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Modelos implícitos del conocimiento” Research Seminar on Science Education, University of Valle, May 24, 2001.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “La mecánica cuántica y el fin del determinismo” Seminar of History and Mathematical Education, IEP, University of Valle, February 2, 2001.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Teoría y Realidad. Perspectivas contemporáneas”

Seminar of History and Mathematical Education, IEP, University of Valle, February 2, 2001.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Relevancia de la mecánica cuántica en el contexto de una visión general del mundo”. Prepared for The centenary of the birth of the Quantum Conference. Cali, Colombia, December 14, 15, 2000.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Complementarity and complexity” Prepared for Symposium on the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. Tel-Aviv, Israel, April 1998.

• Roldán, J. “Mécanisme, thermodynamique, économie et management: des leçons des sciences physiques pour mieux comprendre le désarroi économique”.  University of Montreal, Montreal, Canadá, December 3, 1997.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Ciencia y Religión contemporánea: el punto de vista Bahá´í”. University of Valle. Prepared for  Ciencia y Religión en los contextos de la Física Clásica y Contemporánea, Octuber 20, 21,2 2, 1997, Cali, Colombia.13. Roldán-Charria, J. “Complémentarité et Complexité”, Equipe REHSEIS, Université de Paris 7, May 8, 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Ben-Dov, Y.; “Ciencia contemporánea y Religión: ¿es posible una reconciliación?”. University of Valle. Prepared for  Ciencia y Religión en los contextos de la Física Clásica y Contemporánea, October 20, 21, 22, 1997, Cali, Colombia.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “La Mecánica Cuántica y la Filosofía de la Complementaridad”. University of Valle. Prespared for  Ciencia y Religión en los contextos de la Física Clásica y Contemporánea,  October 20, 21, 22, 1997, Cali, Colombia.

•  Ben-Dov, Y.; Roldán-Charria, J. “La Ciencia ateísta del Mecanicismo”. University of Valle. Prepared for Ciencia y Religión en los contextos de la Física Clásica y Contemporánea,  Octuber 20, 21, 22, 1997, Cali, Colombia.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “The Copenhagen interpretation”. University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania, May 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Is there a Copenhagen interpretation?”.  (In French). University of Paris 7, Paris, France, Apr. 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “The Anthropic principle in Quantum Mechanics”.  (In French). University of Paris 1, Phantheon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, Apr. 1993.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Excellence in Education” (In Spanish). Guajira University, Riohacha, Colombia, March 1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “Science, Religion and Society” (In Spanish). Guajira University, Riohacha, Colombia, March 1991.

• Roldán-Charria, J. “The Space-time Manifold” (In Spanish). Colloquium of Physics, University of Valle, Cali, Colombia, April 1981.



• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F,; Arbab, H. Textbook: Electromagnetism and mass communication, Unity 1: Electromagnetic Waves. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia. 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F,; Molineaux, P. Textbook: Materials and Processes, Unity 4: Construction Materials. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia. 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Molineaux, P.   Textbook: Materials and Processes,  Unity 3: Metals. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali,  Colombia. 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Molineaux, P.   Textbook: Materials and Processes,  Unity 2: Transformation of Organic Matter. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec  Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia. 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Molineaux, P.  Textbook: Materials and Processes, Unity 1: Wood. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali,  Colombia. 1998.

• Roldán-Charria, J. ; Arbab, F.;  “Science and Religion: Systems of  Knowledge” Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia. 1998.

• Arbab, F.; Roldán-Charria, J. Textbook: The language of Descriptions, Unity 1: The language of Science. Preliminary Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia. 1997.

• Roldán, J.; Arbab, F.;  Textbook: Descriptions 2, Unity 3:  Relations. First Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali,   Colombia, 1990. ISBN 958-8057-11-6

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.;  Textbook: Utilization of Work and  Energy, Unity 4: Machines. 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center,  Cali, Colombia, 1990. ISBN 958-8057-60-4

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Millan, J.;  Textbook: Utilization of   Work and Energy, Unity 3: Work and Energy. 3rd Ed. Fundaec   Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1990. ISBN 958-8057-51-5

• Millan, J.; Arbab, F.; Roldán-Charria, J.;  Textbook: Utilization of  Work and Energy, Unity 2: The Concept of Force. 3rd Ed.  Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1988. ISBN 958-8057-44-2

• Millan, J.; Arbab, F.; Roldán-Charria, J.;  Textbook: Utilization of  Work and Energy, Unity 1: Movement. 3rd Ed. Fundaec  Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1988. ISBN 958-8057-50-7

• Correa, G.; Roldan, J.; "The Power of Pure Deeds"  2th Ed. A publication of the Association for Baha'i Studies of   Colombia, 1984.

• Roldán-Charria,  J.;  Marin, J.;  Alzate, A.; Gutierrez, E.;  Arbab, F.; Textbook: Descriptions 1, Unity 2: Systems and Processes, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-39-6

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Marin, J.; Gonzalez, A.;  Textbook: Descriptions  1, Unity 1: Properties, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center,   Cali, Colombia, 1982. . ISBN 958-8057-09-4

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Correa, G.;  Textbook: Mathematics,  Unity 1: Set and Numbers, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center,  Cali, Colombia,1982. ISBN 958-8057-07-8

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.;  Textbook: Sciences,  Unity 5:  Photosynthesis, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali,  Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-34-5

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Arbab, F.; Marin, J.; Gutierrez, E.;  Textbook:  Sciences, Unity 4: Utilization of Electric Energy, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-25-6

•  Prager, M.; Arbab, F.; Tafur, S.; Roldán-Charria, J.;  Texbook:  Sciences, Unity 3: Growing of Vegetables Species, 3rd Ed.  Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-33-7

• Valcarcel, F.; Arbab, F.; Millan J.; Roldán-Charria, J.; Gonzalez,  A.; Textbook: Community Service, Unity 2: Literacy, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-28-0

• Roldán-Charria, J.; Valcarcel, F.; Arbab, F.; Textbook: Descriptions  1, Unity 3: The Interior World and the Family, 3rd Ed. Fundaec Publishing Center, Cali, Colombia, 1982. ISBN 958-8057-40-X